Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 18

Day 18 - A picture of your biggest insecurity.

This one's gonna be tough because it's not natural to share what you don't like about yourself. 
I'm gonna give this a whirl though I am dreading it...

Intelligence... I think this is a fairly common one.
I am insecure about my own intelligence, especially since I am married to such a smart man and he doesn't even realize when he's spewing genius amounts of information. He's calmed it down a little bit and understands my "I'm pissed because you know I don't know what you are talking about look, so break it down in ENGLISH for me" look.
I wish I had listened to my parents and gone to college and gotten my education (I know it's never too late). Maybe then I wouldn't feel as incompetent as I do now, well not now, but sometimes... you know what I mean!

I think this is another fairly common one. I get worried that I am not parenting properly. That I'm detrimentally harming my child by trying to raise him. Especially when he acts out and does something like hit/bite/spit... then I think we must be exposing him to too much violence or he has a predisposition for violence and trouble. Things along those lines. I think that this one is hard too because we are always hardest on ourselves, especially as women, and when you look at other women and their children it looks so much more natural or intimate and special.

My figure but especially my stomach. I think that's another fairly common one but let me tell you this much... that is actually MY stomach. I took that picture not 10 minutes ago. So yeah, I have balls because I just posted that damn thing on the internet. UGH!!
I love food, am a total foodie and find myself eating way too much in general, but also convenience food AND never working out. So naturally, I've expanded!
I have stopped using Rupert as an excuse. He's three now. It's no longer "baby weight".
I never struggled with my weight, as so many people do. I was naturally thin. I ate what I wanted when I wanted and could still toss on a bikini at a moments notice and be fine... not anymore. Now I need to eat right and exercise and all that junk so that people are frightened by my huge white arse!
This year it's my goal to get back down to a good size. I don't have to be 100 lbs like I used to but I definitely need to make some healthier decisions for the long term and also so that I am more comfortable in my own skin.

My boobies. Yet another common one.
I have small tatas. Yep. I can gain 60 lbs and hardly change cup sizes. It's bullshit.
Some days I embrace them, other days I don't.
When I was thinner and they were little it was not a big deal.
Now that I'm not as thin as I was, I really don't like it.
I want to know why Renee Zellwegger can gain like 40 lbs for a role and 20 of it is in her tits and when I gain 40 lbs NONE of it is my boobs! NOT FAIR!
I used to consider getting plastic surgery. Now I know that I wouldn't do that. But that doesn't mean I can't look at Sofia what's her doodle from Modern Family sometimes and be jealous either.


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