Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bath Time

Just some cute pics of Rupert in the bath over the last week or so.

Ru had an accident at GG's and she improvised a diaper with a dish towel... he wasn't happy

Me "Ru, sit down so I can take your picture"
Ru "No! I wanna stand"
Me "Well at least cover yourself up!"
Ru "Cheeeeeeeeeeese"

Notice the Krispy Kreme glaze around his mouth.


  1. He is seriously the only boy as cute as mine (hehehehehehe). I can't get over his expressions. That SO comes from you! But I can't figure out his looks. He's not you or least that I see.

    We love tub colors too!

  2. He's like the perfect combination of me and Chris and at times spitting images of my Dad, which is who I look like too.
    It's totally random.
    For awhile he looked like my Dad's baby clone.
