Monday, April 11, 2011

Weekend Update

Rupert "Mommy, I pick you flower"

Dogwood blossoms from the tree in our backyard.

My bff, Ryan and I having a brewsky in the backyard.

Rupert taking pictures again.

Trying to get a picture of Rupert.

Rupert taking pictures of Ry, he was being a good sport.

Rupert "Mommy, I pick you more flowers"

I'm pretty sure he depleted the entire tree but it was soooo cute!

Ryan and me again, I love this kid.

Cousin Lauren and Rupert catching up at GG's house

Rupert doing some serious cheesin.

Taylor aka TayTay, Rupert and Lauren

The guys
Uncle Andy, Rupert and Taylor

Aunt Pam and me.
She said this picture truly reflected the way she felt... tired.
They drove through the night from Neenah, Wisconsin.

Aunt Pam, Taylor and me at Cracker Barrel

Uncle Andy and Rupert with his head sized lollipop

The whole gang getting coffee at Mojoe's before they hit the road for Disney that day.

I love and miss them so much, its pretty ridiculous.

The whole WHOLE gang because Chris met up with us too!

This also marked the first time that Aunt Pam and I have said goodbye to each other and not cried, like in 20 years.
BUT that's only because they'll be back through in 2 weeks :)

On Sunday we took a drive up to Maryville and drove by the Pigeon River for a bit because it was such a gorgeous day.
Rupert and I even took our shoes off and dipped our toes in.
It was nice cold mountain water :)

Steph came with us, it was her idea to begin with, so we had to get a shot of us.
Love my Stephie.

Mary Mary quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

With silver bells and cockle shells and pretty maids all in a row.

My little strawberry plant is getting so big!


It's almost like I'm a real gardener.
I will not make that claim until this garden produces something though... I know better than to count my eggs.

It was a glorious weekend, again, and again went by far too quickly.
Only a few more days til the next one...
Is it bad that I'm counting down?

1 comment:

  1. Wow! The garden looks great! Keep posting the progress and say hi to Ry next time you see him....I mailed the baby blanket I made them.
