Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 47

Day 47 - A picture that makes you angry

Let's just get this one out of the way.
This picture makes me angry/sad/inspired/reflective...
The list goes on and on.
This is (in order from left to right) Me, Mom and my sister, Elizabeth.
We were on vacation at Myrtle Beach (our last family vaca now that I think about it)
It was July 2005
Chris and I got engaged.
It was a great trip.
But the reason this picture makes me angry...
Look at that body
See how skinny I was!
Holy cow!
I thought I was fat (that makes me angry now)
I wish I could look like that now (angry again)
My mom is 50 and still looks like that (pissed)
My sister has had 2 children and looks like that (seething)
YOU CAN SEE MY RIBS... now the only time you see my ribs is when I'm eating bbq (ba-dum-bum-CHING) :)
I want a vacation this second (not really mad, just longing I guess)

So yeah, mostly the body thing.
I was hot and didn't know it.
How is that fair?

I may have been over this once or twice but I hate hate...
Oxymoron, I know.
I had my first gay friend in elementary school, before you knew what gay was.
I loved him because we listened to Bette Midler, Janet Jackson, Reba McEntire.
We rode his horse together and played in the hay loft of the barn.
We practiced dance routines and baked cookies.
He wore Chic jeans and tshirts with airbrushed horses on them.
He had the most AMAZING, curly, beautiful blonde hair.
He was a great friend.
It was only when we became a little more sexually aware that I realized that he was more than likely gay.
Who cares?
We always had a great time together.
He never made me feel uncomfortable or picked on me, like most little boys treat girls.

Then as I became older I realized 80% of my friends were gay (ah, high school)
After high school, people moved away, moved on... the norm.
My gay friends dwindled.
Then lo and behold, my "straight" friends started coming out!
For some reason, I attract 'em... and I love it!

Anyway, so long story short (ish)
These are my friends, they are human beings, they don't hurt anyone by loving the same sex.
They feel love and loss like everyone else.
They are a great people who, generally, you will find are some of the best friends you could ever have.

There is no reason, constitutionally/biblically that they should not be treated as equal citizens/people.
In fact, I shouldn't even be referring to them as "them or they" because it is US.
We are all the same.

This list could go on and on and on forever because there are so many injustices in the world.
Always has been, always will be.
But I try to live everyday with hope that when Rupert is in high school and becomes an adult that the world will be a more understanding and loving place.
It is now, you just have to look for it a little harder.


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