Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Day 44

Day 44 - A picture that describes your life

Like one picture can describe someone's life.
Ok, maybe if you have a skilled photographer taking pictures of your everyday special moments.
But I don't...

So we'll just get this ball a rollin.

Rupert's first steps on a beach
The pride, joy, love and experiences this little bundle of boy has given me over the last three years has been incredible.
Everyday is something new and different.
Something redundant turns into a brand new experience with him.
He makes every day incredible... even when I want to pull my hair out.

Alice Cooper

Blake Shelton

Dierks Bentley

Steph, LA, JR and me
Halloween 2009

Rob Zombie

Rob Zombie finale

My job...
As much as I enjoyed being a stay at home mom (and given the chance would do it again in a heart beat)...

I work at Bandit Lites.
We are the second largest lighting company in the world.
It's insane.
I don't do anything fancy, I'm the "Administrative Assistant"
So I answer phones, do some payroll work and bills, that kind of thing.
But my coworkers are amazing and the company is outrageously interesting.

Most annoying question when I tell people where I work: "Do you get to go to all kinds of concerts"
Answer: "No not really, just depends on who it is and what's happening at the time"

Long story short though, we work with incredible artists and I get to hear and see alot of behind the scenes stuff that is just plain fun.

How could you not enjoy coming to work here every day?

My hubby, the best man in the world.
He's a giant part of my day.
We chat a little while we work but when we get home the entire dynamic changes.
It's comforting to be in his presence.
He puts me at ease by sitting on the couch with me.
He puts up with all my shit... which there's always an abundance of!
He's a wonderful father and Rupert ADORES him.
Enough said.

Not from Starbucks though... stupid corporate so and so's...
From Mojoe's of course!
I can't live without it.
Ok, maybe I can, but I definitely don't want to.
That's my first stop in the morning after dropping Rupert off at daycare.
It's at this point that my day has really begun.


Mom and Dad

And my day is never complete if I haven't talked to these three people at least once.
Or one of them if they're all together.
Or emailed or text or something...
We talk everyday.
We talk about how are day/week is going.
Catch up on any gossip, health issues, toddler stories, etc.
But the line of communication is always there and will remain that way as long as I have a say about it!
I love my family.


  1. I adore the naked baby pic. perfect bribery someday.
    Your GG looks just like you.
    And not gonna that Chris comes after Rob Zombie. You are so awesome. hahaha

  2. Well you know... priorities.
    Not really, love you honey!
    Don't kill me! :)

    (Kate, send the police, you may not find a body) Hehehehe
