Friday, April 15, 2011

Day 46

Day 46 - A picture that you edited

I have never edited a picture.
Maybe that puts me behind the times but it's just not something I am even capable of understanding.
You see, I have this thing that I refer to as bad computer joojoo.
Me and technology aren't the best of friends.
We have a very basic acquaintance and that's the way we both prefer it.

So now what do I do about this blog?
I guess I will find an edited picture that I like... maybe one of those crazy ass photoshop ones.

The great white and the helicopter.
I don't care how photoshopped it is, it's freaking terrifying.
Gives me the willies just looking at it.


I love some of the stuff people come up with.

These just make me laugh alot.


  1. Thank god someone else found that funny.
    I think it's one of the most hysterical things ever, but its sooooo not PC.
    And I love it anyway!
