Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter 2011

Rupert got to bring home The Very Hungry Caterpillar from daycare for the weekend.
We had lots of photo ops to share with the everyone.

On our way to the easter egg hunt at church

Decorating cookies

Yummy cookie

Very carefully coloring eggs

He dropped an egg. OH NO!

Easter basket(s)

His first view of his baskets

He was so excited about the aliens that we had to make him open the rest of the stuff.

Ready to hunt eggs in the yard!

He complained that his bucket was getting to heavy and had this amazingly determined look on his face to do it all on his own.

The egg broke in half and the candy spilled into the grass.

I thought he was doing the Madonna cone bra, but he told me those are his muscles :)

Pile o' candy

Back in the bucket for safe keeping

Dressed for church

The old guy in the pew behind us offered to take our picture.
He had a very difficult time, so when he finally got one, we just stopped :)

Mom's super cute Easter cake

Erik and me

Mom always makes the prettiest tables

Kaylee's first Easter

Rupert is literally roaring

Hunting eggs at Nana and Papa's in their yard remodeling

Keira and Rupert looking ADORABLE

Baskets from Nana and Papa

Duck caller thing, Ru loves it

Playing cap guns with Daddy

Elizabeth and Keira

Dad and Kaylee

Uncle Tony, me and Erik

Rupert INSISTED on wearing his new Iron Man socks WITH his sandals.
I died on the inside a little.

Me and the chunkerbutt. She honestly hurts your leg...

Mom and her girls and our kids :)

Famiy picture

The whole gang


  1. I love the table setting. I also like that the kids are decorating cookies for a project. Some time, when Mimi gets older, I would like to do that with small pound cakes. They can decorate them with different color icing and sprinkles and such.

  2. Elsa-LOVE that idea.

    Jen, this post is the best. I love Ru's expressions and his socks with sandles look. very stylish.
