Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Tuesdays are generally uneventful in my world.
I think that's true for most people.
Anyway, my Tuesday this week, you know... yesterday? Was extra fun.

First, it was a quiet-ish day at the office (plus!)
I went with Pete for Mexican at lunch (plus!)
GG had her arm surgery, 1 plate and 8 screws :(  But she's doing great. (plus!)

THEN after work I got to watch the following shows, hehehehe.

I love Dr Horrible. If you haven't seen it, you should stop what you are doing, google it.
Find the easiest way to watch it and enjoy the next 45 minutes of hilarity!

Castle is super witty, guessing never ends type of crime drama.
It's wonderfully new and original.

Firefly, well, um, I think I may have dosed off after the first ten minutes of blowing stuff up.
What can I say?
Not really my bag.

I had pizza from The Red Onion and even enjoyed one and half yuenglings... watch out!

So yeah, it was a great day.

The icing on the cake:

Adrienne sent me this picture of Averielle all bundled in the blanket that I made her!
YAY!! :)


  1. You don't like Firefly? You are dead to me.
    But then you posted a picture of the cutest little girl in a bundle of blankie. So I forgive you.

  2. Hey now. It's not bc I didn't enjoy it, ok maybe a little. BUT mostly bc it was the third thing I watched and I knew nothing going into it and then the beginning of the episode was all weird war stuff. I'd definitely give it another chance but maybe I should know something about it first.
