Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 45

Day 45 - A picture of what you did today

I thought we already covered this... like half a dozen times...
So since I don't feel like repeating myself for the umpteenth time, I will post pictures of things I found intriguing today.

Scenes of Mall Madness, 1989

This just reminds me of my Aunt Judy, Aunt Pam and Uncle Craig.
They were the youngest on both sides, so they were always hip to whatever the latest fad was.
I wanted to grow up and be just like them.
The fashion and hair cracks me up now, though I've seen bits of it coming back.
No Acid Wash! AH!


Mother Monster is the first performer to sign on for MTV's Japan Relief Concert.
Looooove her.


Dita, the absolute queen of all things sexy, is launching a lingerie line for all shapes of women.
I think she's truly remarkable in her class and expression on sexuality.


I read this blog on Mental Floss today about Shel Silverstein's life.
It's super interesting and I gained a new respect for his work as a writer and illustrator.

Image: man hurrying

Eat, Drink, Pee: Basic life functions we screw up

Perplexing to think that our bodies can be that out of whack because of our busling lifestyles.

Keep calm and make coffee

My motto for the day.