Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Averielle Elaina Moses

One of my best friends, my very first friend when I moved to Knoxville at the tender and impressionable age of 12, just gave birth to her first baby yesterday.
I cannot explain the emotions that overwhelmed me.
It was like having my own child all over again.

I couldn't miss work so her mom and husband kept in contact all day, checking in on her progress and the like.
When I finally got word that the baby had arrived I was smiling, crying, telling everyone...
And when I finally saw the picture I melted.
Averielle Elaina Moses, born at 12:20pm on 4/12/11
Weighed 6 lbs 5.9oz and is 19.25 inches long

When I got there last night I felt an instant connection to her.
The only way I can put it into words is comparing it to the day I had Rupert.
I don't know if it's because Adrienne and I have been bffs forever and a day or what, but I love this child unconditionally.

Adrienne and Wesley are going to make amazing parents.
They are both so compassionate, intelligent, loving, fun people that there is no way this child will be underprivileged in any faction of her life.

I cannot wait to see how this new little family takes its course.

I love you guys and I wish you all the best.

Aunt Jenny

Proud Daddy and his little girl

Momma seeing her for the first time

My two best gals

She's perfect in every way

Almost a smile

Proud Aunt Jenny

Big beautiful eyes

1 comment:

  1. Look how little! She is all swaddled and tiny. awwwweeee.....there goes my girly side.
