Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 43 - A picture of your room

My room... its my pseudo sanctuary, my clothes and shoes explosion area and the place where I get to curl up every night next to my best friend (I'm a lucky gal)

The walls are textured (it was that way when we bought the house) but this is our first bedroom suite.
How flippin fancy is that?!?!?
It took Chris and I quite awhile to agree on one we both liked.
Since he did furniture design and all that stuff in college he didn't want to get something that he could make.
Whateves, I love it.
It's a sleigh bed but only slightly and I love the individual slats at the top, though it does make dusting rather difficult.
On our nightstand are the 4, yes 4, medicines I take every night. 
I am so old.
There's also one of our engagement pictures, a leaf plate (catch all), a candle and a lint roller.
We're cool kids.

This is the matching dresses to the afore mentioned bed.
Can't get a really good shot of it because its directly at the foot of our bed.
We have a small room.
On it is a wedding picture frame/clock, 2 of those Willow people, a picture of Chris's Grandpa who passed this year, a picture of Adrienne and I on her wedding day, a sketch of Owl from Winnie the Pooh that Chris drew,a picture of Aunt Pam, Uncle Craig and me and last but certainly not least... my autograph from Topol.
On the mirror is a dental xray of Chris's (they accidentally made 2 so they gave us one. I think it looks neat), a pass to The Gruesome Twosome show, a pic of Ru, a Mother's Day card he made me last year and also a picture of Chris passed out in a bathroom from college :)

This is my closet/shoe explosion.
No point in cleaning it up to take a picture first because that would be a lie.
It ALWAYS looks like this.
On the full length mirror is a strip of pictures from Christmas two years ago that Chris and I took at one of those photo booth things in a movie theatre.
The other pic is of Chris (as Titler), Jeff Calvert and some girl I don't know from a college Halloween party.
So since she's not still a friend of theirs, I cut and pasted a random picture of me to her spot!
It's pretty darn funny too because the pic is black and white and mine sure is color.

This concludes the nickel tour of my bedroom.
Please feel free to show yourselves out after you have finished looking.
You may find me on the couch if you have any questions.
Thank you.

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