Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day Weekend

I just had had had to post this video because it's hysterical in a very wrong way.

Anyhoo, that was NOTHING like my Mother's Day weekend!

First, on Friday after work I went out to Sevierville to pick up one of my coworkers, Roth, who had just flown in from Myrtle Beach.
He's on this continent every other month or something, so I don't get to see much of him.
He was super duper exhausted from having worked his tush off at a project site for the last week but we still had fun catching up and we went out to eat at Uncle Buck's Grill at Bass Pro Shop.
Yep, sure did!
It's right at the interstate, he'd never been to Bass Pro and I was excited to show him the redneck mecca. Plus, its food at an outdoorsy southern joint, how could it be bad?
We both had burgers and a beer and it was quite delightful.
We sat at their bar area which had a wall fish tank with all kinds of cool exotic fish and coral.
Then we walked around and marveled at how many fishing poles there are and played with the camping gear and just goofed off.
It was awesome.
So here's a pic of Roth, talking on the phone to Pete while relaxing in a camp rocking chair.

After that I went out for drinks with another coworker, Shawn, and his partner Scott.
We met up at Bonefish and had a super yummy espresso martini before heading over to Kurt's to really let loose. And boy did we let loose. Shew, it was an awful/amazing/crazy night!
First, we had agwa shots. Apparently its some liquor distilled through a cocoa leaf or something which basically makes it a legal liquid cocaine. So you're happy drunk and energized. Which for me equals dancing like a freak all night long. Add onto that a few beers and a few ultimate cosmos and that was the evenings drinks. Whew!
So apparently there's some serious dramz happening at Rainbow and its closed for remodeling right now, etc etc, and now Kurt's is doing drag. So of course we stayed and watched the show.
Gabrielle Alexis is no longer at Rainbow and is working at Kurt's, so she's the headliner and we got to talk/catch up a bit. I only get to see her once a year, if that, since I never ever go out.
Anyway, after hours of crazy at Kurt's we decided we'd hit XYZ and see what was happening. They had had Night of A Thousand Dolly's, but we had missed it. We ended up having one drink before they called Last Call and we headed out to IHOP.
We were going to go to Waffle House but it was chock full of college kids and we didn't want to wait.
Anyway, long story short. We got drunk. I acted a fool. We hung out with coworkers and queens and I didn't get home til 4:30 IN THE MORNING!
So here's a few random pics of that night.
Thank god we didn't get the camera out too much!

Shawn and I

Scott, Becky (the owner of Kurt's) and Shawn

Scott, me and Shawn

So needless to say that I napped off and on all day on Saturday. I wasn't hung over. I was just DEAD TIRED.
Rupert woke up at 8 am and I thought I was going to pass out just getting his breakfast.
We snuggled on the couch for a long time (me in and out of sleep) and then Elizabeth called and asked if I could watch Keira while she went fishing.
Keira and Rupert ran wild for a few hours, ended up killing our goldfish, but had a blast playing together.
Rupert went to sleep at 8ish and slept through the night!

On Sunday, Mother's Day, Chris let me sleep in (LOVE HIM) and then made me a brunch of blueberry waffles, eggs and sausage and of course, coffee.
He may be the best husband ever.
Then I opened my presents from Rupert.
He had made me a flower in a pot from a vegetable can at school (mostly the teachers but I love it) and they had also asked the kids some questions and them printed them up all nice and laminated them. They also made bookmarks and wrote a proverb on the back. Then they put it all in a paper lunch bag that the kids decorated and made a ribbon handle.
It was too cute for words, so here's a picture:

Chris gave me a super duper sweet card and also informed me that he had purchased me a ticket to see Charlaine Harris and Dr. Bill Bass at book signing on Saturday night. VIP ticket, hell yes! So I get to sit in a special area closer to the speakers and get a copy of the new Sookie Stackhouse book.
For those who don't know, Charlaine Harris is the author of the book series that True Blood is based off of and Dr. Bass is the foremost forensic anthrolpologist in the world. He founded the very first Body Farm, ever, here in Knoxville and is now a best selling author with his fictional book series about his work, Jefferson Bass.
I'm so excited I could freaking burst! For realz.

Then after we took showers and got dressed we headed down to Market Square to do just bum around.
It's the total best place to do that.
There's shopping, food, coffee, all kinds of people, kids, dogs, musicians.
It's just wonderful.
So I ended up hitting a few new boutiques that I hadn't been into and I got a fabulous pair of yellow owl earring and a teeny diamond nose stud.
They're kind of like these:

Then we walked over to the downtown library and got Rupert his very first library card!!!
He was super excited even though he didn't quite understand.

He rented 4 books, The Great Mouse Detective on DVD (possibly my doing) and 5 classical children's Cd's (also possibly my doing). He had a blast in the children's area and made friends with another little boy that was down there playing as well.

On our way home we popped in to Little Sisters and I got to chat with Tia, the owner, for awhile. I also got a new right hand ring and 4 pairs of earrings. Plus, she gave me a bargain on all of them because she's sweet like that.

That night we did a little cleaning, had dinner and tried to watch The Black Swan but Rupert just wouldn't be quiet or still, so we watched Kick Ass (again) instead. Don't judge, its a classic in our family! :)

It was a fantastic weekend and I couldn't have wished for a more wonderful/fun/relaxing/simple Mother's Day.

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