Monday, September 12, 2011

Far too long

Nothing particularly exciting has been happening with us lately. I haven't had a chance to update because I died from the black death, was reincarnated as myself, died and came back again. Swear.
I got sick a few weeks ago with a sinus infection that knocked me out for a few days. Then after returning to work for a couple of days, I got strep. Fever topped 102 degrees, not fun. Missed more work. Had to go to the ER on Labor Day at like 2 am and get a shot for a migraine that was killing me. THEN the headache medicine that I had caused me to pass out, like literally hit the floor, while I was answering the door for my cousing Jake and his fiance Lindsey who were in town (mind you, I had neve met Lindsey before) Needless to say, no more of that medicine for me.
Now after I finish this round of antibiotics, it will have been 20 days straight of medicine. Yuck.
I better not get sick this winter, dammitt, I can't afford it!

So other then my necrotizing facitis, we have basically been hanging out. Rupert has been doing alot better at daycare and getting green cards instead of red. Chris has been working his skinny little butt off while taking care of the house, since I was dead to the world. Mom turned 51 (unbelievable), Kaylee turned 1 (such a cutie) and during all of these events, I realized we have not done ANYTHING particularly summery. Lame right?
To fix this situation, I am vowing to make the most out of fall. It's my favorite season anyway, but we really need to be spending some quality time with nature to make up for our addiction to the a/c this summer. I am far more ghostly then usual.

The weather here has started to cool and football season has started, now the fair is in town. This is how I know it is fall. The mornings and evenings are beautiful and the afternoons aren't half bad. The next big step will be the leaves changing.
I have already, slowly, started decorating the house for my favorite holiday, Halloween. Rupert is obsessed with Halloween this year too! Yay! More proof that he's mine :) He's dying to go to the Spirit Halloween store that will be opening next to Target any day now and freaks out when we don't spend all day in the holiday section at the store.
He doesn't know we have it yet, but Chris has already bought him a ghostbusters costume with an inflatable proton pack :) He's gonna flip!

Soon it will be time for the pumpkin patch, soups, homemade breads, bonfires, costume parties, lots of knitting and the beginnings of birthday/Christmas shopping.

I try not to wish seasons away, but I am seriously looking forward to fall. I can't help it, my soul blossoms in the fall and I feel so incredibly alive and at peace (insert gag here).

For now, here are some of the pictures from the past few weeks. There will be more to come :)

Me with strep, sexy

Rupert showing off for Jake and Lindsey

Gray and green, my favorite kind of day

Knitting myself at UT scarf

Smoky Mountains in the fall, don't be jealous

UT football. Fan or not, the spirit of the city is incredible.

And on a completely random note, Chris and I have started to think about/talk about the possibility of fostering to adopt. Won't happen anytime soon, but it's the route I would like to go.

1 comment:

  1. I REALLY REALLY WANT to Foster to adopt but D says "no way". I like that Chris is open to that. To me it shows that he can really truly think about something other than his own seed (sorry to be so blunt). Most men are not this open- minded. sadly.

    Also, Hook em HORNS!!!!!!!

    Fall is also my favorite time of year. I love a good pumpkin patch any day of the year. Never mind that it is 103 here today. ugh.

