Friday, September 16, 2011

Meet This Momma

I stole this from pinkpancakeskate, thanks doll!

The Mama Run-Down

Jennifer or Jenny

27, going on 28, feel like 15 some days and others like I'm 80

Number of kiddos:

Names (and meaning):
Rupert - a form of Robert, meaning Bright Fame
Reid - my maiden name
Harris - Daddy's name (and Mommy's too)

Age of kiddos:
3, will be 4 November 27th

Number of desired kiddos:
If you had asked before Rupert, I would have said 5. I was dead set on five.
Since Rupert and all of the other things that have happened in the past four years... I just don't know.
I really want at least one more, sometimes I think two... then I think I've gone crazy.
Adopted or natural, either way.

Natural {epidural?} or C-Section:
C-Section all the way.
Rupert was breach and the doctor was scared to turn him because she said it can cause him distress. So we scheduled a c-section because I didn't want to push for three hours, have an episiotomy and then have to have a c-section (like some of my friends). I was super nervous and just needed a solid plan. Turned out well.

Breast,Formula,or both:
Both. Rupert never latched on, EVER. I felt like a complete failure at first but then I started pumping. That went really well until he was around 3 months old and started needing more then I could produce. So I started him on formula and stopped pumping. I loved me some formula because I HATED pumping. I felt like a milk cow.

Cloth or Regular:
Regular. We bought cloth but Rupert was 5 lbs even. So there was no way those huge cloth diapers were happening on his little booty, we tried. By the time we remembered we had them, he was too big. Oh well!

SAHM or Work {doing what}:
I was a SAHM for the first year. I loved it. LOVED IT.
Then my husband got laid off and so I went back to work, at the same job actually.
I was an administrative assistant with the same company until June, when I got laid off.
Now I am an Office Professional. I do payroll, document maintenance, a little bit of everything. I'm a helper/assistant to 5 or 6 people.

Mama Questions

What is the best remedy for a diaper rash?
Luckily we didn't have to deal with it that much BUT Anti-fungal cream worked really well and vaseline. We tried everything and never became brand loyal. We used alot of baby powder!

What is your opinion on TV?
I wish I could hate it but I love it. I'm a tv addict. 
Rupert watches Nick Jr, PBS cartoons, some stuff on Cartoon Network and at night, whatever we are watching. He doesn't seem to care too much. 
When he was a baby I lived on Law & Order and The Sopranos. 
He'll grow up to be a cop or a gangster :)

 Do you believe in the cry it out method?
It's not easy at first but you definitely get used to it and it is my biggest recommendation to newer parents. I really think too much coddling for too long can be a bad thing.
Maybe I'm a little more tough love then I thought...

What are the benefits of co-sleeping?
Um, waking up with a stiff neck or arm from not moving all night because your son is sleeping horizontally between you and your husband, that you used to snuggle with.
Falling asleep to baby snuggles, giggles and talks.
Rearranging another human in the middle of the night so you can try to move over and NOT fall out of bed.
Sharing germs in a major way.
Waking up to "Mommy, its time to wake up, then sun is out. I want milk and cartoons" in the most precious little voice ever.
Trying to convince said child to sleep in when you are sick.
Having your baby snuggle you and say "4 more minutes mommy"

 How do you deal with the terrible two's?
The two's were rough but the three's have been a million times worse.
Make sure you and your child get lots of sleep. Nap when they nap if possible! You'll need it!
Make sure to pay attention to their attitude when out and about, if it's a rough day then make your errands quick. Don't give in to tantrums but don't prolong the situation by staying and chatting with the cashier either. If it's a good day then god bless.

 How do you find the right daycare or babysitter? What questions to ask?
We have never had to use someone outside of our circle of family and friends. We are extremely lucky to have a very supportive group around us.

 How do you discipline your child without being too harsh?
That's a fine line. Rupert is a stubborn as a mule or, er, me.
We tried time outs in the corner and for the first few months it was amazing. Then it didn't bother him and he started becoming defiant.
We graduated to swats on the hand or bum, same thing INCLUDING the defiance.
So then we graduated to bare bottomed spanks but then he started becoming more violent at school.
Now we are talking things out more and still using the time outs, which he hates again, and threatening whoopings (though its only ever the occasional swat)
I think discipline can never be blanketed, its very individual to you and your child. I do not judge.

 Is teaching my baby sign language worth my time?
I've seen some people who's children appeared to be geniuses at an early age because of sign language, but now they are on the exact same learning curve as mine, who didn't learn it... so Idk. Up to you.

What has been the hardest part of parenting?
Maintaining balance within yourself.
I love being a mother and did from the start, but occasionally I get burnt out and need me-time. Sometimes its just for a few hours and sometimes the feeling will last for weeks. We make it work because I have a wonderful husband who is extremely supportive of my mood swings and sometime I just have to push myself back into the game, so to speak. 
I find though that alot of the pressure that burns me out is the judging from everyone around you.
I feel like since becoming a mother that all eyes are on me.
Everyone wants to tell you how to raise your child, treat your husband, lose weight, cook dinner, get your two year old into Harvard, how to make them not gay, etc. It's just exhausting.

 What is your biggest fear as a mother?
Losing my child, horrible, ugh, horrible.
Failing my child.

 What are some of your favorite resources (books, websites, etc) for mothers?
My friends and family and sometimes the doctor. I try my best not to google things because I don't trust random information and I really hate WebMD. So if I have a problem I will call a few of my girlfriends who have kids the same age as Rupert, my Mom, my Aunt Pam and my Grandmas. Between all of them there will be a good solution. Nothing beats decades of life experience.

 What does your schedule look like on a typical day?
Alarm goes off at 630, I don't hear it. Rupert may or may not be in our bed, you never know. Chris tells me to get up, I groan and usually go back to sleep. Sometimes I get up to pee and then I go back to sleep. Chris tells me to wake up again, but sounds unhappy. I get up, get dressed, wet my hair and toss in some product. Put on mascara and maybe some eyeshadow. Visit Rupert and try to help get him up, but usually we just snuggle. Brush my teeth. Say goodbye to Rupert and Chris (who always leave before me), let the dogs in and feed them. Make my coffee and head out the door to work, 8-5. After work I head to the daycare to pick up Rupert and start thinking about dinner or our evening plans. Get home, give Rupert a snack and turn on a cartoon. Look through the cabinets in a complete stupor for a dinner idea. Usually I give up and cook a go-to meal, a frozen pizza, or wait for Chris to get home and have him help me decide.
Then we watch tv/visit friends or family/play/knit/run errands/eat ice cream/take baths/read books; a combination of any of those things is a typical night. Then we struggle to get Rupert to give up and go to bed, he would stay up all night if we let him, as it is it's a struggle to get him in bed by 930 or 10! Then we might watch a show and off to bed for us too. PJ's, cold air, ceiling fan, white noise machine set on Thunderstorm with Chris behind me and Dexter at my knees. Rinse and repeat.

 How did you survive the first two months?
I was a SAHM with lots of friends and family. The lack of sleep made no difference to me because I was on such a high... moving off the couch was a whole other dilemma (stupid staples!)

What are some things every mom must have?
Time to herself and a supportive group of friends/family

 If you could do anything differently, what would it be?
Try not to get so overwhelmed, calm down a bit

How does one go about traveling with a child/children? What are the tricks of the trade? Help!
We literally spoil him rotten when we travel. Lots of potty stops, treats that are reserved for special occasions, mini DVD player and a few toys and books. At his tender age, it's all about giving in to every whim that fits into your schedule/budget, it just makes life easier and that's what travelling is all about. (Horrible isn't it!?!?!)

In the nursery 2 weeks before Rupert was born

The size of a water pet

My monkey baby
Now he's a clown
All smiles, devilish smiles :)

Friends are family you choose for yourself.
We may not have it all together, but together we have it all.



  1. oh my gosh...we were twins in a separate life. I was literally crying in laughter at your daily routine and crying it out...hehehe...non parents don't get it.

  2. P.S. I LOVE your pregger tummy! Too cute. Also, I SO knew you'd giggle at my TV comment. I am such a TV snob. :)
