Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Halloween Festivities

This weekend was chock full of pre-Halloween festivities.
I almost felt bad taking Rupert trick or treating because he had already gone twice!
Notice I said almost :)

Friday night was the Trunk or Treat at my parents' church, Christ United Methodist.
Due to the rain it was all held inside the gym.
I do so wish that they had moved the trick or treating to the hallway or a different room because it was kind of lame squished together amidst all of the games and people in the gym, but oh well, the kids had fun! We only stayed for 2 hours but with the amount of people there and Rupert's sugar induced ADHD, it felt like 2 days. (See: EXHAUSTING)

Saturday we finally made it out to Cruze Farm for the corn maze and another pumpkin patch.
Chris was working so Adrienne and Avi came with us and we had an awesome time.
It was just what both of us needed, some nice, fall, outdoor activities with each other!
The farm was gorgeous and the maze was a lot of fun. Not as grueling as some of the others that I have seen locally, only took us 45 minutes or so.
They also had farm animals out, some activities for the kids to play and the prettiest pumpkin patch I have seen in ages!
My favorite part were the Adirondack chairs they had facing an open field with the hay all rolled up and the mountains and river in the background. Truly beautiful.
Oh! And they had a sign in front of a corn stalk display that read "I would rather sit on a pumpkin, and have it all to myself, than to be crowded on a velvet cushion - Henry David Thoreau" (Perfection)

Avi and Rupert

Rupert and Willie Nelson the scarecrow

AA and Ru

That night after the kiddos were sleeping we watched "Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep" which was gory and cheese-tastic but overall alright. (Wes Craven can't be that bad!)

Sunday we cleaned the house and lounged around until it was time to go to the Trunk or Treat at Adrienne's family church, Sharon Baptist.
Theirs was definitely bigger then CUMC and had more people, but it was also a prettier day... so Idk if that had anything to do with it.
They had an inflatable slide and a bounce house, a little hayride around the church and a TON of cars participating. Rupert made out like a bandit and got a million compliments on his costume (all weekend). He even bargained his way out of a bag of Skittles, instead getting 2 bags of Whoppers... much to my embarrassment! But the people giving out candy thought it was awesome :)
Rupert completely wore himself out bouncing, jumping and playing so after we popped in at Mom and Dad's to say hi and see Dad's new haircut (sure is shaved!!!) he passed out!

Me and Avi the Pumpkin

Rupert on the slide

Rupert doing rolls on the slide

Rupert and the lion

Avi and Wes with the lion

AA, Avi and Me

Dad and Me (BALD!!!)

When we got home I made Halloween cake cookies and Adrienne and Wes stayed to watch the new American Horror Story and The Walking Dead. Both were beyond good, as usual!

Monday's trick or treating was a ton of fun as well!
We went to Meadowcrest subdivision because it's close to my parent's house and it's mostly flat with short driveways! (Seriously, Mom and Dad's neighborhood is like trekking a mountain... so not fun!)

Adrienne, Wes, Avi and Agnes joined Chris, Rupert, Mom and me; making it a group event... so much more fun. It was Avi's first Halloween and she was a little trooper!
It got a bit cold (for a baby) so she went from Pumpkin to Bunny/Pumpkin and lasted an hour and a half or so.

Adrienne and I trick or treating

Rupert, on the other hand, was running door to door having a blast. He even went into a few strangers houses to bust ghosts! Sha! At first I was mortified but they all seemed to think it was cute. (Thank goodness we didn't run into any crazies!)

There were a handful of older kids out and about to get their scare on and I loved the heck out of that!
I think the last time I saw kids really doing this (stalking people down streets, staying in character, jumping out of bushes) was probably when I was a kid! Ha! They stayed away from Rupert and focused on us adults. There was Ghostface from Scream, a psycho clown, something in a jumpsuit and baby mask and also a green not-quite-hellraiser mask thing. It was grand!

Rupert made out with a whole pot of candy (more then we had originally left for our own trick or treaters) and so didn't want to go to bed that night.
He said... and I quote... "We can't go to sleep, it's Halloween!"
He is sooooooo my child!

Rupert's treats

Oh and on a random note, my Jeneane costume was a bust because it was too cold and I chucked it and went warm with a sweatshirt, jeans and tennis shoes (and an overdose of eyeliner!)
Ghostbuster Ray (Rupert) and his ghost mama

Notice the arched brow...
I had to scrub my face with body wash and loofa three times to get that stuff off!


Our yard

Kitchen table decorations

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