Monday, January 16, 2012

Birthday Week

It's my birthday week!
Yes, week... I said it.

I don't usually have a birthday week but since my birthday falls on a Wednesday and my mom offered to throw me a party the Saturday before.
I'm not gonna skip some sort of small celebration on my actual birthday, I guess I'm selfish like that, whether it's going out with friends or just sitting at home with my family. I want it to feel special.

Well, in between these happenings, I have been asked to go to lunch/dinner several times from friends and family who want to treat since it's my birthday... have I mentioned how lucky I am?!?!?

So yeah, birthday week.
Anyhoo, back to where I was trying to go with this...

I'll be 28 on Wednesday.

I do not fear aging, nor do I feel that 28 is old but what is interesting about this birthday is the 10 year mark from graduating high school.

There have been a million times in the last ten years that I have thought about mine and other's life accomplishments in comparison to our age but now it's like a whole new ballpark.

What have I done that's really notable in the last ten years?

I have NOT become famous, cured cancer, run a marathon, gone to Europe, graduated college, adopted African orphans or anything else of great magnitude.

I feel kind of lame about that (note, I said "kind of").

I have a few girlfriends who have gotten not one but two degrees in the past ten years.
I have friends who moved to Europe (ie my bff Erin).

So really, what have I done?

I've worked, gotten married and had a baby.
Not that there is anything wrong with that!!
It's just kind of SSDD, ya know?

Through facebook and other social media outlets I've been able to see what others from my graduating class have done with their time. It's certainly not like before social networking where the big to-do of reunions was to find out what has been happening.

I wonder how that will impact our reunion...
Will it make it better because we don't feel like we've fallen out of touch with our classmates?
Or will it be worse because there is little to no surprise?

The last ten years has had so much ebb and flow that is significant to me and to my circle of friends and family but very little to "report."
Who else is going to care about a coffee shop kids outing that was so effing funny we peed ourselves?
Or that my mom had cancer, my dad got laid off and my sister had two kids?
Those aren't exactly discussion topics.

I do know that our reunion will have a layer of grief attached to it, RIP Chris.
I am also sure that we will have a blast but accomplishments have been racking my mind recently.

Maybe because of every sitcom/rom com episode of THE REUNION and what to expect....

The main thing is... I can not believe it has been ten years.
I feel like an old fogey talking about how time really does fly (LAME)
But for real!!
Sometimes I look in the mirror or think about my life and honestly think that I'm too young to have a kid or be married.
Weird how it happens.

So I'm really thinking that I should pull a Peter Griffin and show up as this for my reunion....

Space Cowboy Millionaire

or Adrienne and I could always do something like this...

Maybe that's the indifference I am feeling towards this... it's that those people are ADULTS and I sure as hell don't feel old enough to be an adult even though I know I really am...

Oh well.

Back to the birthday thing...
I've been super lucky to have such amazing family and friends to help me celebrate my birthday and keep me smiling all week long.
Love you guys :)

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