Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Feels Like The First Time

After admiring other people's blogs for years, I decided it was high time that I start my own... or our own really as it will be about the family and not just me. So here we go...
It's been quite a month. Not the best way to start the New Year but it'll all be over soon.
A few weeks ago Rupert was diagnosed with strep throat, a mild ear infection and something called perianal streptococcal dermatitis... its basically strep of the bum. Did you know that existed?? Because we sure didn't! It just looked like a wicked rash. Anyway, went to the doctor and got our prescriptions and things are rolling along fine until Saturday night when out of nowhere Rupert starts screaming, crying, shaking and turning red all while trying to urinate. That's not normal. Of course it's 10 something on a Saturday night so we put a call in to the Nurse Triage and anxiously wait a call back. We get one about 30 minutes later and she seems to think that this is all due to the rash but to take him to the doctor the next day, Sunday. So Sunday we pack up and head down to East Tennessee Children's Hospital with Reese in tow (bff and current employee at ETCH, not a bad combo) Yada yada yada yada, its the rash and here's so cream. Follow up with your doctor in 3 days. 2 days go by and the rash is gone but the screaming persists. So we call the doctor, again. This time after taking a look at Rupert he says that we need to see a urologist. Their staff calls and gets us an appointment with one of the pediatric urologists and ETCH the next day. When we meet him, within moments he says "He needs a circumcision" No! Just what we didn't want! Surgery! The doctor says that his foreskin is too tight though and that this is the only way to take care of it without more stress and pain in the long run. Boo.
Tomorrow's the big day. We have been trying to prep Rupert for what's going to happen. We've tried to explain surgery to a 3 year old. Rupert thinks its a game. Which is fine... we don't want to scare him. When you ask him about it, he'll tell you that the doctor's going to give him a new weewee. Which he kind of is, so we just smile.
Enough about weewee's... Chris and I are scared to death! We know it's a common surgery and low risk, all that good stuff, but that does not mean that we like it! He has to go under general anesthesia and have an IV. We feel horrible for him.
He's holding up like a trooper now though. No more pain, he runs, plays, screams and is just a rotten little boy! :)
Through this whole thing Grandma Tonagel (GG) has been a life saver. She has watched Rupert for almost 2 weeks! She is fantastic with him and teaches him so much that sometimes we wonder why we have him in daycare!
I will keep everyone up to date through facebook and text messages tomorrow as the day progresses and hopefully this will be the first and last blog on weewees!

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