I LOVE LOVE LOVE books. I love to read, I love to hold them, smell them, hear the turn of the page... all of it BUT its s giant pain in the butt to be continually carrying around 5 or 6 hardback books. Also, its a super duper pain to be the 75th person in line for a book at the library.
A few months ago I saw the KOBO at Borders while visiting my brother-in-law and then lo and behold, in my email that very week was an announcement that it was at an everyday low price of 99.99. That's pretty good right? I always saw where they were a couple hundred bucks and just wished I could have one.
Today that has all changed.
I found a super fancy Velocity Micro Cruz Reader, which is like the iPad with all the gadgets and wi-fi and junk, for a mere $120!
Holy canoli! So I got it... of course I got it! Are you kidding me?? That's amazing!!
It's got a full color touch screen and a whole bunch of other things that I don't know anything about because I'm not technologically savvy. (I don't even have a laptop!)
So, needless to say, I'm dying. I'm freaking dying. 5-8 business days. I pray it gets here by Friday and that I can figure out how to use it. Then I can be awesome and carry 100 books on one little screen. Books for me, books for Rupert, magazine, movies... OMG!
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